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These are just a handful of resources which have been developed by CCO staff and staff alumni to use in ministry with college students. We hope you find them useful as well!

Never Too Late to Lead: How Mentorship Shapes Ministry

After introducing the five college students who would live in the church's discipleship house for the year, CCO staff member Dan...

The Gospel of John Challenge

Isaac didn't plan to spend two hours riding backward in the charter bus, perched on his knees and leaning over the headrest. But as he...

Donuts + Discussion + the Incarnation

In the fall of 2021, Katie Staronka and Dan Garrison Edwards lugged a folding table, a small whiteboard, and three dozen donuts across...

How a dying church found new life

We knew we had to do something to revitalize the church. After decades of declining attendance, we had to decide whether or not we had a...

The Fruit of Partnership: CCO & First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

Since the University of Central Florida began construction in 2017 to open a downtown Orlando campus, the leaders of First Presbyterian...

Kayla Smith: Standing Up

Growing up, I remember my parents always telling me that God can use your stuttering but he cannot use your silence. That phrase held...

Whatever it takes: How hot dogs help bring Christ to campus

The first week, they remembered the hot dogs but forgot to bring chairs. So after the middle-aged church members, together with CCO...